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leadership Article

July 25, 20121 min read

To develop effective Inquiring Leaders requires developing an Inquiring Mindset.  At the core of an Inquiring Mindset is the understanding and awareness of the questions you ask (or don’t ask) yourself and others, and the viewpoint upon which your questions are based.

Inquiring Leaders develop the skills and abilities to use questions effectively to achieve results with their teams in the areas of decision-making, problem solving, and strategic thinking.  They also run effective, productive meetings and improve bottom line results by improving the overall culture.

We know the importance and impact that leaders have in an organization.   We have some first step recommendations for you in developing leadership skills in yourself or others.

  1. Learn the definition of an “Inquiring Leader.”

  2. Read and use the question process of the Q-Tool: The Top 12 Questions for Success.

  3. If you have not read the book Change Your Questions Change Your Life: 10 Powerful Tools for Life and Work by Marilee Adams, Ph.D., we recommend doing so.

  4. Visit our website at and download The Choice Map. The Choice Map is a mindfulness tool that can be used on a moment to moment basis to distinguish which mindset you are in and give yourself the opportunity to move from the Judger to the Learner Mindset.

Inquiry Institute offers public workshops that are available for individuals or teams.  We also have in-house workshops for leaders, leader teams and developing leaders.  Specific in-house consulting and workdays are available to you and your organization.  Contact
Inquiry Institute to inquire into our specific customized training that is available.


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