
Announcing: Inquiring Leader Interview Series

July 28, 20121 min read

This new series features interviews with organizational leaders, as well as thought leaders whose success has depended on their appreciation, habit, and practices of inquiry. Look for the first interview here and on the Inquiry Institute website by the end of August, 2012.

Upcoming Interviews include:

Carmella Granado: Senior Director of Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness at Flextronics, a global electronics manufacturing company with 200,000 employees. Carmella will describe some extraordinary, measurable results she has helped Flextronics achieve through her work with the Learner/Judger Mindset™ Model, the Choice Map™, and Q-Storming®.

Dr. Dixon Butler: Dixon was the Director and Chief Scientist of the GLOBE program at NASA ( GLOBE involves K-12 students all over the world in taking research quality environmental measurements, supports teachers in improving science and math education, and raises environmental awareness. While at NASA he also led the planning of the Earth Observing System (EOS) and from 2003 – 2007 was a clerk of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Water and Energy. He currently consults with NASA on GLOBE as well as with several other clients.

Dr. Beverly Kaye: Bestselling co-author of Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em: Getting Good People to Stay, which focuses on workplace performance and has sold over 500,000 copies. Bev is founder and CEO of Career Systems International and is also co-author of Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Employees Want  to be released in September, 2012. Bev has been named a “Legend” by the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD).

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2023 Inquiry Institute
