
“Shifting Mindsets: Questions That Lead to Results”

August 05, 20121 min read

The Learner Judger material, from Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 10 Powerful Tools for Life and Work, by Marilee Adams, Ph.D., is featured in the August, 2012 issue of  the Wharton@Work Newsletter, in the Nano Tools for Leaders® section.

The Nano Tool, entitled “Shifting Mindsets: Questions That Lead to Results,” introduces the Wharton community to the use of questions as a catalyst to “quickly change the mindset of your team — or yourself — from being “stuck” to finding possibilities and solutions.”

Of course, your results will be dramatically different depending on whether you ask “Learner” questions or “Judger” questions, and Marilee clearly explains the difference between the two types of questions, as well as the nature of the difference in your results.

Stanford professors Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton argue that there’s often a gap between what we know and what we do in organizations, and this applies to mindsets. People intuitively recognize the value of a Learner mindset, but often find it difficult to enact.
This Nano Tool effectively outlines practical steps that will enable your team to operate from a Learner mindset, resulting in greater productivity, motivation and engagement.
The entire text of the Nano Tool can be found on the Wharton website.

Please use this tool for yourself, and share it with your friends and business associates.

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