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The 5 Best Books for Business

November 27, 20171 min read

Sometimes cool surprises land in my inbox!

Recently I was pleased to receive a blog from business mentor Laura Gordon in the UK entitled

“The 5 Best Books for Business to turn yourself from a good leader into a great leader”.

She wrote

“. . . if there is one book which encapsulates the theories of modern leadership, it’s this one – put simply, Change Your Questions, Change Your Life by Marilee G Adams.”

In case you’re curious, the other four books are: Good to Great by Jim Collins, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni, Start with Why by Simon Sinek, and The Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters.

Here’s the link to the blog.   We’d love to hear your thoughts about this, including any examples you may have of leaders asking great, important, and impactful questions.

In the spirit of inquiry,


P.S. While we know your inbox may have been inundated the last few days with Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, we’d hate for you to miss a chance to save money on our Chief Question Officer Certificate program and other courses scheduled for March 2018.

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