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Managing Mindsets Moment by Moment

September 02, 20192 min read

During this time of year, you’re dealing with a lot of change. Kids are going back to school, summer is ending, and it’s important to be aware of your mindset – moment by moment.

The weather is changing, the months are changing, routines are changing.

Also, your body is going through a transition as well, so you want to be mindful of the physical and emotional changes that are happening.

During this transitional time, take the time to tune into the changes going on around you and within you. 

How can you practice managing your mindset moment by moment?

Try this breathing exercise excerpted from the Seven Days to Learner Living Guide.

Awareness and mindfulness of our bodies and our breathing is key to being able to switch mindsets fully and authentically. Here are two variations on a simple breathing practice to support that. I encourage you to do a breathing practice at least twice a day, Breathing practices are great for de-stressing and relaxing, for calming difficult feelings, and for becoming more centered and present for yourself and others.

Version 1: Inhale slowly and fully through your nose for a count of four, then exhale slowly through your nose for a count of four. Repeat at least 10 times.

Version 2: Inhale slowly and fully through your nose for a count of four, then exhale slowly through your nose for a count of six. Repeat at least 10 times.

In both versions the goals are the same: calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and increase focus and mindfulness.

It truly is a moment by moment by moment phenomena. So, if I’m going to be in this moment, I need to let go of the moment before so I can be fully present in this one.

If I was in Learner in the moment before, great, now who am I going to be in this moment? If I was in Judger in the moment before. Who do I choose to be in this moment?

It may sound simple, really simple, but it’s not necessarily easy. And frankly, I think the practice of being present, of letting go of the last moment, to be present in this moment, to meet ourselves in this moment, and others in this moment, is some of the hardest work that human beings ever do.

Please share in the comments your experience of managing your mindset moment by moment. 

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