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Teaching That Changes Lives Awarded IPPY Gold Medal

June 18, 20142 min read

We have some exciting news! Teaching That Changes Lives: 12 Mindset Tools that Ignite the Love of Learning just won an IPPY Gold Medal in the Education II category! Click here to see the award listings. Teaching that Changes Lives is in Category #44.

Launched in 1996 and conducted each year to honor the year’s best independently published books, the “IPPY” Awards recognize merit in a broad range of subjects and reward authors and publishers who “take chances and break new ground.” I am deeply honored that Teaching that Changes Lives received the top award in its category. Learn more about the IPPY awards here.

Teaching that Changes Lives is similar to Change Your Questions, Change Your Life in that it is a story followed by a workbook of tools. As in Change Your Questions, the story and tools are organized around the Learner/Judger mindset work and the Choice Map. I wrote this book because I care very much about students learning how to live in Learner mindset and developing the critical and collaborative thinking skills that could make such a difference for their success,  both now and in the future.

When Kim and I were in Singapore last November, we met with the Ministry of Education—and found that they love the Choice Map! Here at home we’ve been doing some very successful work with the faculty of the Achievement First Elementary School in Crowne Heights, Brooklyn. A few of them are now in our Chief Question Officer Training Program. I’m also working with leaders and faculty at a number of universities, all based on the same QT material.

If you have any suggestions about how we can make more of a difference in education, we’d love to hear from you. And thank you for your continuing support and inspiration.

In the spirit of inquiry!


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