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Learner Mindset Goes Global

November 20, 20132 min read

November has been a banner month for the Learner Mindset work making a difference beyond our borders.

My interview about Learner & Judger Mindsets appeared in the Mindset Works® Newsletter, which has a wide readership all over the world.  This company was founded by Dr. Carol S. Dweck who wrote the international bestseller Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.To read the interview and listen to the podcast click here: 

Right now, Kim Aubry (Executive Director of the Inquiry Institute) and I are in the midst of our month-long trip to Malaysia, Singapore, and China where I am speaking at conferences and giving workshops.

In Malaysia we had our international launch of my new book, Teaching That Changes Lives at the International Conference on Habits of Mind.

his conference was a successful collaboration by Universiti Putra Malaysia, The Institute For Habits of Mind, and The Art Costa Institute of Thinking. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this post to see the newspaper article about this event!

In Singapore, we had an extraordinary meeting at the Ministry of Education. We also enjoyed the workshop for organizations and the workshop for teachers sponsored and hosted by Brain Capital Group  and Nurture Craft

Now, the adventure continues in Beijing.  This Friday I am honored to be a keynote speaker on “The Inquiring Leader” to 300 Chinese companies at the Gene 100 Annual Conference followed by a 3-day workshop on Question Thinking.

What a joy it has been to see firsthand how this work lives and has impact in other cultures and countries.  We hope you enjoy these photos for a flavor of the trip and are looking forward to sharing deeper reflections when we return in December.

Click the image below to see a larger version of the newspaper article.

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